Saturday, March 10, 2012

A child 14 years Breaking computer networks, expelled from School

A 14-year-old boy expelled from school for having break (hacking) and entered into the computer system of the school. Whereas, before he reaped acclaim and was known as the youngest smartphone application developers in Europe.

The child was named Aaron Bond from United Kingdom. He managed to access the confidential information about students and teachers at the school, including information about the finance vice principal. He also changed the school computer room booking system.

Before it was issued, the local police have done investigations by taking DNA samples and fingerprints Aaron. "We pulled out due to serious infringers, Aaron," said principal Kate Mason.

According to some observers, the school issued an Aaron's excessive actions. Some regret why schools don't educate a child with extraordinary computing talent exceeds the child of her age.

Aaron stated that he was sorry to have done the hacking computer networking schools. "If I know the consequences, I would never do it," contrite heart Aaron.

Aaron's mother could not accept the decision appears to be a school. He was also the school does not want to spare giving a second chance to his son.

In Europe, Aaron first drew public attention in 2011, when he was 13 years old. The child genius this managed to make the smartphone game entitled Spud Run, which has now become a game for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch) and with the price of 0.99 dibanderol US dollars.

The achievement was, Aaron dubbed the youngest application developers in Europe. He studied his own technique of developing applications by way of watching tutorials-tutorials on the internet. Aaron also has made the website a company when he was 6 years old.

How luck Aaron next? Hopefully this incident does not make him lose the spirit of developing applications.
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