Saturday, March 10, 2012

New iPad rattles Console Game Existence

Latest Apple Tablet capable of running more toned and adopt a sharper screen display, not only rocked the rival tablet manufacturers. Now, the new iPad is also starting to look troubling for the traditional gaming industry.

Reuters preached, Saturday (10/3/2012), rather than develop similar FarmVille, game developers interested in developing the game is rumored to begin with 3D viewing classmates Call of Duty.

From Electronic Arts to Crytek which develops games Crysis, gaming industry leaders were looking for a way to move the game to a high level graphical view into the iPad.

Epic Games and Namco Bandai shall participate in the announcement of the new iPad this week, for the sake of showing off what they can do with the iPad is faster.

The iPad is Apple's own family and already sold more than 55 million units, including a number of 15,43 million units in the quarter yesterday. That number means the iPad running toned pursue console-gaming consoles such as the PlayStation 3 which has reached 62 million sales, and Xbox 360 which reached 65 million sales.

"Apple clearly establish the device as if they are very concern for top class games," said Mike Capps, President of Epic Games, the game studio behind the making of "Gears of War" for the console, as well as "Infinity Blade" for iPad.

Capps, who is always present in the third stage of the launch of the iPad, says he's trying to push the console manufacturers such as Sony and Microsoft, to spawn a more powerful devices so as not to be left behind.

On Wednesday, he told the crowd in San Francisco that the iPad has a new screen resolution and memory in excess of the Xbox and PlayStation.

"It's easy to imagine a world where the iPad is more powerful than a home gaming console, and wirelessly, the tablet connected to a TV or a game controller to become the latest gaming consoles you," Frank Capps.
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